"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead." ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Elimination of Leftovers

I don't quite know how to describe the satisfaction I get from purging the fridge of leftovers!
Not just cleaning it out and throwing stuff away, but actually eating it and seeing the stash dwindle and the fridge free space increase.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about?!
Eating leftovers saves you money!
It is so efficient!
It's easy - all you need is a microwave!
I admit, there are some leftovers that never make it to the stomach, but for the most part , I am good at using them up. (Thanks to Dave packing a lunch everyday - so wonderful of him - even though sometimes it comes back home with him because he got some sort of better offer. But then.......I get to send it back with him the next day and it's already packed! And he doesn't mind!)
I would have to say that my favorite thing about leftovers is that I get to postpone going to the grocery store that much longer :). I get to postpone the mental exertion of coming up with a dinner idea for one more night!
Yay for leftovers!
(I know for a fact that Dave would not necessarily endorse this post, despite his support of leftovers. He would not cheer "Yay for leftovers", unless it were lasagne. "That", he says, "I could eat every day".)

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