"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead." ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh My Goodness - I had a chubby baby!

So I was looking back at some pictures of Lauren from Jan '09 which are still, for some reason on my memory card. And I can't believe her roundness!
I guess I was just with her all the time and didn't realize just how chubby she really was!!
No wonder my sister named her "roly poly".
She has always been a great eater and I am grateful for that!

Now I see a little girl in her, and when I see her asleep in her crib, I can't believe that's a tiny little person laying there!

What thoughts go through her head?

How much does she really comprehend?

How can I protect her pure, joyful little heart?

How many pictures and video clips will I take before I feel like her cute little face and amazing personality are captured, never to be forgotten!?

I love this little girl!

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how you forget or don't realize what they look like while you are with them everyday. I just looked at that picture of Josh and thought the same thing... he also was a chunk and I can barely remember him like that. Lauren is getting so cute and it is such a fun age. I just don't know if we can capture it all, there is too many cute and fun things!
