"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead." ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Prayers and .....other things she's said.

Lauren has said some noteworthy things lately...... too long for the "Lauren Quoted" side bar.

Recently, her prayers turned from:
"Dear Henly Fodder, fank you for everyfing, name Jesus Christ, amen"
to lengthy expressions of gratitude for her food, her little brother, her toys, her pillow pet, her bed, bless my food, please make my food cool down, etc. And a few days ago, she really impressed us:

"...please bless me, even though I can't see you, but I can feel you next to me."
"I'm sorry Jesus, for making bad decisions."

This was one of those times when Dave and I look at each other in surprise, beaming with pride and gratitude. :)

Then there are these statements:

"I don't like you, Mommy. I wanna find a different mommy and daddy that let me do whatever I want. I don't like you very much - or this house. I wanna find a different house and different people to keep me." (2-28-12)


"Mommy, if you don't help me with my job, then I'm going to spank you and put you in time out." (2-29-12)

Hmmm. Why do I say stuff like that? And why are kids so observant and impressionable!? I think I threatened to spank her once, and then quickly realized how ineffective that is. Another reminder to watch what I say! The time-out thing, I'm totally fine with. She'll probably hear that one again and again....... :)

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