"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead." ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Summer Dresses - no onsie - no undershirt - no tights. THAT means warm weather!

On Saturday, we went to Dave's nephew's wedding and the day was gorgeous! Lauren was in Heaven (literally?..) running around on the grass, free and easy in her cute pink dress. I actually pulled out the sunscreen! It was a great day.
Some really good advice was given to the new couple during the ceremony:
"Love at it's root is a decision" It's not just a deep, passionate feeling that transcends all conflict and frustration :D It's a choice.
I liked that.


  1. I love that advice! And I love your little Lauren. Look at her adorable curls. Very cute pictures!

  2. These pictures turned out so cute!! I especially love the first one with her walking down the path!
