"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead." ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Silver Lining

I was preparing hard for a much anticipated, promising event at my house.
I painted patches on walls - painting that should have been done months ago.
I hung curtains on 3 windows.
I cleaned and organized my kitchen, family room and laundry room.
Dave totally scoured the guest bathroom.
I hand delivered over 80 invitations to said event.

No one came.

It was a sad night.
But look how much I got done! And my house still resembles the "show ready" state it was in over 3 days ago.
That feels good. I'm over the disappointment and it makes me happy to look at my curtains and my clean kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. I love when I get in those modes and get a ton done like that!...EVERY time I go to the bank it reminds me I need to call you cause I see your brother. I'm soooo sorry I keep forgeting by the time I get home! You said you hung curtains, do you still want to come see mine? Well, you can come ANY time?
