"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead." ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Miraculous Microfiber

"Yook Mommy, Yook Mommy, Yook Mommy!"
"Yook Mommy!" "Yook Mommy!"

"Yook Mommy!"
By the time I turned my head and realized what was going on, my little cutie had left 6 long marks on our couch with a black ball point pen. As I dropped what I was doing and rushed over to grab that pen, she defiantly added two more. Hmmmm. What do you do? Is she proud of her work and expecting praise? I have to say that in this case, I'm pretty sure that Lauren knew full well that she was going to be in trouble. Two weeks ago, it was a red scrapbooking marker on the loveseat. She has been fully advised (many, many times) that she is not allowed to draw on anything but paper!
So I took the pen away and she went to bed without a story.
Then I spent the next 1/2 hour (at least) carefully scrubbing each pen line with alcohol.

This is what the rag looked like when I was done.

And THANKFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!! because microfiber is soooooooooo AWESOME, after the spotting and scrubbing and washing the cushion covers, (even though it says right on them not to take them off and wash them)the couch looked like this:

Good as new. (To anyone who doesn't know about the art)
And here's the little culprit the next day. Happy as a clam. But absolutely BANNED from ink of any kind.

1 comment:

  1. You are so good at this Blogging thing! You perfectly capture these moments in a fun way! I love it!
