"Yook Mommy!"
By the time I turned my head and realized what was going on, my little cutie had left 6 long marks on our couch with a black ball point pen. As I dropped what I was doing and rushed over to grab that pen, she defiantly added two more. Hmmmm. What do you do? Is she proud of her work and expecting praise? I have to say that in this case, I'm pretty sure that Lauren knew full well that she was going to be in trouble. Two weeks ago, it was a red scrapbooking marker on the loveseat. She has been fully advised (many, many times) that she is not allowed to draw on anything but paper!
So I took the pen away and she went to bed without a story.
Then I spent the next 1/2 hour (at least) carefully scrubbing each pen line with alcohol.
This is what the rag looked like when I was done.
You are so good at this Blogging thing! You perfectly capture these moments in a fun way! I love it!