"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead." ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Teaching Moment

Last night, Lauren learned (not for the first time) that Daddy will do exactly what he says he'll do.
We attempted, too early, to put her to bed (she didn't have a nap yesterday! We thought we could get away with it!) and she was not winding down at all. When Dave tried to get her to kneel for family prayer, she said, "I don't want to pray to Heavenly Father, I want to watch TV with mommy!" and ran out of the room.

So we gave up and went downstairs, and yes, had the TV on. I was trying to watch "The Work and The Glory", which though a wholesome movie, is not appropriate for a two-year-old.
After screening the intense parts, changing channels, muting, and watching Lauren crawl around and play - not really interested anyway - we were relieved when at a the end of the movie, during the loving Steed family reunion, Lauren laid down and started rubbing her binky on her face.
Dave suggested again that we have family prayer.

After much coersion, confiscation of blanket, kitty, and then both binky's, Lauren Kate would not kneel still for prayer. She was playing and rolling around, so Dave said, "Lauren, that is not reverent. That is not how we pray. If you don't kneel down right now and say prayer with us, you will go to bed without your binky and your blanket -and no story." Then he counted, and she stood there, staring at him, with no intention to obey - testing him.
When he left her in her bed, she cried and cried. Meanwhile, downstairs, we as new parents discussed how to best deal with this situation in a loving way. We know it's important to live up to our words so our children will always trust us. And we want Lauren to understand that her choices have consequenses. But we don't like seeing her sad! So she was offered a second chance.

When Dave went up to get her, she immediately said, "I'm sorry Daddy, I don't mean to." Then he explained why she was in bed, and that if she came downstairs, she would have one more chance to obey by reverently praying with us. -Which she did.
Dave briefly mentioned that because of Jesus, we can repent and have a second chance, and that we love her and want her to be happy.
It was a great teaching moment, and a great reminder of the love Heavenly Father and Jesus have for each of us, even when we make mistakes.
I love the perspective gained while parenting.

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