"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead." ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Friday, January 28, 2011


Over the holidays I happened across the contact information for my best friend from elementary school who I have not seen or talked to in like......a decade, when I went to her wedding reception. Before that, I don't think we talked for 8 years! But we grew up in the same neighborhood, had sleep-overs, went to the same birthday parties, camped together, even went to her Grandma's for Easter one year! So we were pretty tight! Then she moved after 7th grade and I moved after 9th, and we lost touch.
I was so excited to have her email address, so I went out on a limb and wrote to her.
The response was great! We set a day to have lunch and catch up and it was awesome!
I admit I was a little nervous - it felt kind of like a blind date :) We were little kids last time we spent any time together and now we were two adults with years of separate life shaping experiences behind us. Would we "click?" Would it be awkward?
No! It wasn't awkward at all. We had a great time reminiscing and reminding each other experiences we shared. There were a lot, and it was so much fun to remember really how much we were involved in eachother's lives!
The best thing about it was to find that she is happy and confident, living a fulfilling life! It was uplifting to be with her! And as we filled eachother in about our families, we learned that everyone was happy and doing really well. I just felt great when I left! :)
*(one more amazing thing - the day we had lunch happened to be my birthday, which I didn't mention. But she remembered! She even brought me a little present! After all this time, she remembered my birthday!!! Some things just never leave your brain. Amazing)*
A renewed friendship, a little ray of sunshine in this bleak January weather!

1 comment:

  1. What nice things to say! I had a wonderful time and am glad you went out on a limb. We'll need to do it again soon!
