"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead." ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Thick Blanket of Snow and Tiny New Plants

This morning we woke up to this:

And this:
See how they all lean to the sun! I love that! It fascinates me! These brand new baby plants know where the light is and they are drawn to it. They open up to it. They need it. Can an analogy be drawn here? .........

Dave's parents gave him this cool little indoor greenhouse for his birthday. We have plans to start our garden from seeds. So we planted various vegetables and herbs in tiny little planters and put them in this warm, humid "incubator". They're sprouting like crazy!! :) It's so fun to watch the tiny plants pop up through the soil.

Though a thick white blanket of snow is gorgeous, it sort of makes you feel like you're back in the middle of November, which is a little strange when you just celebrated Easter and you see daffodils blooming everywhere. So I'm grateful to have this new green growth that remind us Spring really isn't far away.

1 comment:

  1. I love the whole idea of a "good list" and your blog is adorable. I also think Lauren looks stinkin cute in overalls! I can't wait to be able to keep in touch with you via blog now. Yeah for starting a blog!
